Social media use could lead to divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Thursday, May 21, 2015.

Family law is an important part of the legal practice due to its effect on the safety and stability of all members of a family, including parents, children, and grandparents. Family law covers areas such as adoption and paternity, but most know of divorce. Divorce affects all areas of post-married life, from custody of children to how money is divided between the parties.

You may be thinking, “This doesn’t pertain to me,” especially if your marriage is a happy one. You may want to think twice if you use Facebook. Through a study on social media sites, the Christian Post concluded that sites such as Facebook may have a correlation to divorce rates. Those on these sites were found to have a lower marriage quality and tend to be less happy. Still, many factors contribute to divorce and researchers made it quite clear that correlation does not equal causation.

While it is an interesting statistic to note, extensive social media use does not mean your marriage will end in divorce. You or your spouse may be unhappy in your marriage and considering divorce if one or both of you spend a large amount of time on Facebook. This is not necessarily a bad thing. A divorce can give you a new start in your love life.

You will likely become familiar with family law if you are considering a divorce. If you did not sign prenuptial agreement, your divorce case could be a heated one. If there are children, it could be more so. Experienced legal representation can help you in your case and help you get the assets and custody arrangements you deserve.

Source:, “Study: Facebook Users More Likely To Divorce,” July 20, 2014

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